Essential Questions for House Viewing

When embarking on the journey of finding a new home, knowing the right questions to ask during a house viewing can be the key to making an informed decision. This guide will outline essential inquiries, provide a comparison of tools, and offer tips and tricks to ensure you are fully equipped for your house viewing experience.

Key Questions to Ask:

  1. How old is the property? Understanding the age of the home can help gauge potential future repairs or necessary upgrades.
  2. What is included in the sale? Clarify what fixtures, fittings, or appliances come with the house to avoid unexpected costs.
  3. Are there any known issues with the property? Inquire about any structural problems, dampness, or infestations that could affect your decision.
  4. What are the monthly utility costs? This will help you budget beyond the purchase price and consider if the home is affordable in the long term.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros:
    • Asking these questions provides clarity and helps avoid surprises.
    • You can better assess the value and potential future expenses.
  • Cons:
    • Some information may require further investigation or professional inspections.
    • Sellers may not always disclose every issue upfront.

Recommended Tools:

  • A digital checklist app can keep track of your questions and answers during viewings.
  • Online mortgage calculators help understand potential monthly payments.


Comparing properties can be simplified by using a comprehensive property comparison tool, which allows you to input data from each viewing and directly compare key features and costs.

Tips & Tricks:

  • Take photos or videos for reference.
  • Visit the property at different times of the day.
  • Check the water pressure and electrical outlets during your viewing.


  • Q: Should I bring a professional to the viewing?
  • A: Yes, if possible, bringing a contractor or inspector can provide expert insight into the property’s condition.
  • Q: How many times should I view a property before deciding?
  • A: Ideally, at least twice, to ensure you’ve thoroughly inspected the property and its surroundings.

Cost Considerations:

Discussing cost is crucial. Beyond the listing price, inquire about property taxes, homeowners association fees, and any imminent repairs or upgrades. This will help you understand the total investment required and if the property fits within your budget.

Updates and Future Considerations:

Stay informed about market trends and future developments in the area that could affect your property’s value. Ask about planned infrastructure or commercial projects nearby.

Understanding the right questions to ask when looking at a house sets the foundation for a successful property search. By focusing on these key inquiries, you can ensure that you’re making an informed decision that aligns with your needs and budget.

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